Sunday, December 30, 2007

"A" day, "My" day, or the Lord's Day?

Many Christians today have told me things like; "I keep MY Sabbath on Sunday."..."I give ONE DAY IN SEVEN to the Lord." .."It DOES NOT MATTER what day you want to keep "the" Sabbath."

I am writing this article to show how ridiculous these statements really are. We read in the book of Genesis that God "blessed" the Seventh Day [Saturday] and He "sanctified" the Seventh Day. This is why the Sabbath is called, "the Lord's Day". Truly, the Sabbath was created by the Lord and it is a specific day, one that was "set apart" [sanctified] and also "blessed" [made holy].

So when people say I keep "a" sabbath when I so choose, they are certainly not keeping "the Lord's Day" but they are keeping "their day". And then to say that "it really does not matter what day" means that God is a liar because God made the "seventh day" His holy Sabbath Day.

The Bible proclaims that "the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God". [Exodus 20:10] It is not "the sabbath of Eric" or "my sabbath is sunday". You see what I mean?

This whole subject may not seem to be that big of a deal to most but here are the facts; We serve a God of specifics! A God of order! If people can change any one of the Ten Commandments on a whim just look at the confusion we would have. Is not all this confusion already here? Look at all the denominations who follow such mixed-up teachings.

I challenege you the Scriptures. Either believe that God says what He means and means what He says or we serve a wishy-washy God.

May God show you the Truth through His Word alone!

Don't stop here! Continue to truly understand the Sabbath issue!
Click here to continue!

Written by, Eric W. King [December 30,2007]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I agree. God blessed and sanctified the 7th day. There is only ONE TRUE SABBATH. God bless you!
